HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

Gracious God, we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,for her faith and her dedication to duty.Bless our nation as we mourn her deathand may her example continue to inspire us;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Do come in and light a candle and...
Care for Creation

Care for Creation

Here at St Mary’s, we are part of the Eco Church Community and are currently working towards our Bronze award; we are registered as a Fairtrade Church; and we have an Environmental Committee who are passionate and committed to help make a difference.   Read...

Informal Congregational Meeting 4th October 2020

We will not have a formal annual church meeting this year. However legally churchwardens need to be sworn in every year. So this year, I have delegated authority from the Archdeacon to do this, and will do so on Sunday 4th October before the blessing at the end of the...
Patronal Festival 13th September 2020

Patronal Festival 13th September 2020

On 13th September, we have our Patronal Festival Service at 10am, when we remember St Mary and give thanks annually for the life of our parish. This year I am pleased we will have as our guest preacher Revd Canon James Milne, who is the Canon Precentor at St Paul’s...
Annual Report for Kitson Hall

Annual Report for Kitson Hall

Kitson Hall Hirings, community and church use                                                            Our 3 biggest hirers by far are still Clifford Dance Studios, Ark Nursery, and Pedal Project (cycle training for children) between them producing roughly 50% of...