
Regular Sunday Services

8am Holy Communion
A quiet and reflective service following the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Breakfast is served after this service on the first Sunday of the month (with occasional exceptions).

10am Parish Communion
Our main service of the week when all ages come together to worship God in words and music. Refreshments are served after the service.

11.45am Baptism Service
Takes place once a month and is a short informal service for families with young children and includes baptisms

6pm Evensong (said)
Every week except monthly Healing & Wholeness service, and occasional Choral Evensongs. See calendar.
Weekday Services

Morning Prayer (said)
From 9am to 9.30am, Monday to Friday, using the Common Worship prayer book

Weekday Holy Communion (said)
Noon on Thursday using Common Worship liturgy (twice per month) and the Book of Common Prayer liturgy (twice per month) preceded by Quiet Time at 11.15am.

Gluten free wafers are available at communion services.
This is on request to the steward at the entrance on arrival at the service.

Lent Course 2025
‘All will be well,
and all manner of things will be well.’
Julian of Norwich
A woman for our time
Richard Harries will lead a Lent course on
Revelations of Divine Love
by Julian of Norwich
Fridays 4pm to 5.15pm
at St Mary’s Barnes
7th, 14th, 21st and 28th March 2025
4th and 11th April 2025
Please note: 7th March, 4th & 11th April sessions will be held in the Main Church
14th, 21st & 28th March sessions
will be held in the Melvill Room

First Communion
In 2006 the Church of England approved the process of admitting children into Communion before they have been confirmed. The Diocese of Southwark requires all parishes to have a policy on children and Holy Communion and St Mary’s approved the practice of welcoming children to receive Communion some years ago. I am very pleased to follow this practice too as I believe that it more clearly demonstrates our unity in Christ. It also enables children to experience the joy and the power of the Eucharist at an age where they are very receptive and when they are keen to be included.
Children to be welcomed into Communion need to have been baptised. They also need to have been regular worshippers in church for at least six months and must be at least seven years old. There is a series of 4 classes for children to attend in preparation for them being welcomed into Communion at our 10am service (plus a rehearsal to help the service run smoothly). These will help the children to explore the meaning of the Eucharist and what it means to them. It is very important that parents make a priority of these classes to enable their child to attend every session.
Sermons & Writings
Our main services are normally streamed to YouTube.
Click the icon below to access St Mary’s Barnes YouTube channel
Listen to sermons & services pre 2020
Click here to take you to our SoundCloud archive.
Read a selection of sermons
Click to view a selected archive of sermons and other writings.
Faith in Action
Serving others
The church exists not for itself but to serve others. We strive to contribute to a more just and compassionate world. We are committed to serving the needs of people locally, nationally and internationally by supporting groups and organisations, financially and with our time.
St Mary’s is currently supporting the following charities with prayer, funds and practical support:
Under Tree Schools
Under Tree Schools has built, and provides the funding to run, a school for 350 girls in South Sudan. Children aged 6-15 are given primary education and it also provides a nursery for younger siblings. St Mary’s has been a key donor to this project from its earliest days, and has helped to fund the building of classrooms and a kitchen/dining hall, installation of solar electricity and the farm.
Castelnau Community Centre
The Castelnau Community Centre aims to promote a vibrant, self sustaining community in the Castelnau area of North Barnes. The Project manages a large programme of community development projects
from a playgroup through after-school clubs and substantial provision for teenagers, to training for adults; and including social activities for all ages.
Christian Aid
Christian Aid is an international development charity, supported by the churches in Britain and Ireland, that insists that the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. It works globally for eradication of the causes of poverty, striving to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all, regardless of faith or nationality.
FiSH stands for friendship, independence, support and help. It is a voluntary community care scheme offering help with practical tasks, support and friendship to anyone in need in Barnes, Mortlake and East Sheen. It provides a helpline; transport door to door for hospital and GP visits, weekly shopping trips and outings; and a befriending and social listening service.
Combat Stress
On Remembrance Sunday each year, we hold a special collection for Combat Stress. Combat Stress provides clinical treatment and support for veterans from the British Armed Forces, focusing on those with complex mental health issues resulting from their experiences during military service. When some military personnel leave service, their experiences can’t easily be left behind. Without treatment, psychological trauma can eventually tear lives apart.
Age UK Richmond
The Barnes Green Centre has nearly 400 members who always receive a warm welcome from the staff and volunteers. There is a wide range of activities on offer. Members meet new people, take up a hobby or just have a cup of coffee, learn new subjects, maintain or improve their fitness, have a delicious lunch and become part of the Barnes community through events or volunteering.
Glass Door
Glass Door relieves poverty among homeless people by providing accommodation, advice and support. It provides London’s largest winter night shelter, with 35 to 70 bed spaces every night between November and April, provided by churches of different denominations. All year round it offers day time services including laundry, clothing and washing facilities from its base in Chelsea, as well as advice, advocacy and practical support.

Barnes Foodbank
This is based at the Castelnau Centre in Stillingfleet Road and serves local families in need. St Mary’s congregation provides supplies to the Foodbank.
You can check what is most needed here
We welcome donations of the appropriate sorts of food. You can leave them in church in the box near the front door and we will transport them to the Foodbank.
Home Groups
Intercessory Group
This group meets in the church after morning prayer on the first Monday of every month. Prayers are said for those in particular need and those who request them. Anyone is welcome to join or to request special prayers. There is also a black book at the back of the church where requests for intercessory prayer may be put. Contact Fiona Barnett 020 8878 6975.
Bible Study Home Group
Meets on Wednesday mornings from 10.30-11.45am. New participants very welcome. Email Fiona here for details of venue.
Exploring the way
A home group which is studying the Gospel of Mark on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm. For details of venue contact Christabel or Lucy or email here.